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Teaching materials: Translation & Generation

Empowering kids to express themselves with rich vocabulary in their family's home language(s) about the topics they love

We offer ready-made teaching materials and tools to generate content in Romanian (with diacritics!), French, Hungarian, and beyond. We also serve up insightful product reviews and curated content — much of it free. Your support keeps us going!

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Why We Created This

We built out of sheer frustration.

Finding quality, engaging educational materials in Romanian and Hungarian (and other minority languages) was a nightmare. When such materials existed at all, the translations were riddled with grammatical errors and English borrowings, and couldn't be edited. Preserving a home language is challenging enough without the added burden of endless searches or the need to develop resources from scratch. We sought a faster method of generating materials. We wanted easy-to-access, printable, and engaging content and activities readily available right when a child's interest in a given topic was sparked.

Read our blog post to see an example of a quick process for finding and adapting learning resources for any language.

This site is in English

English's global reach connects us across continents and cultures — we use English on this site to connect with a diverse audience. Yet English's usefulness should not overshadow the beauty and value of the world's myriad languages. Protecting linguistic diversity, particularly by nurturing children's first languages, enriches their minds and safeguards cultural heritage. We are in very early stages. As we grow, we hope to offer this site natively in many more languages.

Our Translation Tool

Found the perfect learning resource online in PDF format but not in your language?

Our in-place document translation tool handles high-graphic PDFs (think vibrant learning materials & infographics). We generate the translated content (preserving graphics and general text placement) in PDF and SVG formats, ready for customization!

For post-editing, import the PDF into Canva or open the SVG in Lunacy, Inkscape, or your preferred design software and fix or customize graphics, backgrounds, text box alignment, and fonts. Upload a translation memory (a file of preferred translations) to speed up the process, ensure consistency, and reflect your unique language style in the materials.

Our Generation Tool(s)

under construction