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The code-mixing image, explained

LinguWhee Code Mixing Example
The blending of vocabulary and grammatical structures from multiple languages, known as code-mixing, is a natural developmental phase for multilingual children. This pattern persists into adulthood, with polyglots demonstrating a learned ability to regulate their code-switching.

Here is the text with English translations.

Japanese: こんにちは (Hello!)

Icelandic: Hvernig ertu? (How are you?)

Romanian: Îmi pare bine de cunoștință. (Glad to meet you.)

Hungarian: Mi érdekel a legjobban? (What interests you most?)

Arabic: تُرِيدُ تَعَلُّمَ الجُغْرافِيَا؟ (Do you want to learn about geography?)

Sanskrit: अति रोचकम् (That's very interesting.)

Greek: Μου αρέσει να μαθαίνω για τα διαστημικά λεωφορεία. (I like to learn about space shuttles.)

French: Nous pouvons travailler ensemble. (We can work together.)

Chinese: 并且互相学习 (And learn from each other.)

Thai: เจอกันที่สนามเด็กเล่นนะคะ (See you on the playground.)

Bulgarian: Хайде! (Let's go!)

Italian: Ciao! (Bye!/Hello!)